The Online Academic Integrity Course
My Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is the cornerstone of learning at any educational institution. Our mission is to ensure that your students are empowered with the knowledge they need to ethically and responsibly meet their academic challenges. This online course offers a firm grounding in the fundamental principles of integrity, and provides the tools of attribution that learners need in order to avoid plagiarism.
Plagiarism and more...
Teaching the rules of attribution is important, but so is promoting core values of honesty and integrity
Deterring Plagiarism in education can only be achieved through a balanced approach that takes into consideration both detection and prevention. This interactive course is designed to equip students with an in-depth understanding of various intricacies surrounding academic integrity and empower them with the skills they need to efficiently enquire, explore, discuss and debate as they engage others’ ideas.
Through focused lectures on the mechanics of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, your students will achieve a deeper understanding of the correct way to integrate outside sources in their work, as they draw on a wide range of academic sources. Additionally, this course will touch on other areas of intellectual property such as copyright, fair use and appropriation.
Course Outline
The course is organized into eight learning modules. Each module is followed by a short quiz.

A brief overview of the course goals, primary learning objectives and assessment methodology. Wikipedia
Module 1
Understanding the importance of Integrity, its relevance in our personal, educational and professional lives. Wikipedia
Module 2
What is academic integrity and what constitutes a breach of your school’s academic integrity policy? What are the consequences of violating that policy? Wikipedia
Module 4
Understanding the place of academic integrity within its broader context by examining real-life examples of artists and other professionals who were caught plagiarizing. Wikipedia
Module 5
The Principles of Quoting, paraphrasing and Summarizing: Understanding the importance of attribution and the different methods for citing sources across disciplines. Wikipedia
Module 6
Understanding how to cite when quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing in MLA and APA. Acquiring strategies for effectively tracking sources during the research and writing process. Wikipedia
Module 7
What is intellectual property law? Understanding the basics of copyright, patents, trademarks, fair use, public domain, copyleft, and appropriation. Wikipedia
Module 8
Research Tools and Learning Strategies: Understanding the importance of time management, and how to develop strong research skills through effective reading and note-taking strategies. WikipediaCourse Features
Our course is founded on sound pedagogical practices that guarantee a rich and engaging learning experience.
A holistic approach to preventing plagiarism
Focused lectures on the broader meaning of academic integrity and the scholarly tools every student needs to avoid plagiarism.
Learner-centered instruction
Students are able to complete the course at their own pace and receive their certificate of completion at any time, and from any location.
Easily accessible
Delivered fully online and accessible via desktop computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets.
Fun and engaging methodology
Promotes active learning through Interactive and highly engaging animations.
Formative and summative Assessment
Final comprehensive exam, as well as low-stakes interactive quizzes at the end of each module to maintain engagement and improve performance .
Easily administered
Visual administrative panel to quickly and conveniently grant access, track usage and collect user data.
Our Team
This course was developed by a special team of dedicated university professors, amazing artists and talented instructional designers who share a passion for teaching and learning.